Help-to-Buy England and Wales

The Government lends you up to 20% of the cost of your new-build home, so you’ll only need a 5% cash deposit and a 75% mortgage to make up the rest.
If the home in the example here sold for £200,000, you’d get £160,000 (80%, from your mortgage and the cash deposit) and you’d pay back £40,000 on the loan (20%). You’d need to pay off your mortgage with your share of the money.
Help to Buy – England
For more information (including advice on fees and paying back your loan) please download the government’s Help to Buy: equity loan buyers’ guide (PDF, 309kB) here.
Help to Buy – Wales
For more information (including advice on fees and paying back your loan) please download the government’s Help to Buy – Wales: buyers’ guide (PDF, 457kB) here.